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Carnegie Mellon University

Rohan Padhye

Dr. Rohan Padhye

Asst. Professor, Software and Societal Systems


I am an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the School of Computer Science, primarily affiliated with \ Software and Societal Systems. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science at UC Berkeley in 2020, where I received the C.V. Ramamoorthy Distinguished Research Award. I have previously worked at Microsoft Research (Summer 2018), Samsung Research America (Summer 2017), and IBM Research India (2013–2015). I received a master’s degree from IIT Bombay in 2013.


I investigate and develop techniques to automatically discover software bugs. As such, my work spans the fields of software engineering, programming languages, systems, and security. An overarching theme of my research has been to enable the specialization of program analysis and automated testing tools using artifacts that incorporate the knowledge of domain experts. My recent projects make use of dynamic program analysis and coverage-guided fuzz testing. This work has received multiple best paper and artifact-related awards at major conferences.

Please see my personal website for more details and latest updates.